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Our (Hi)Story

It all started when Nidhi immersed herself in books and a variety of stories. The stories transported her to lands she had never been to while helping her meet various characters! The characters showed her what qualities like courage, strength, honesty, integrity, creativity, and believing in oneself meant!

A few years later, she was trying to imbibe the love of reading into her daughter. That's when her storytelling journey began – in a bookstore! There was no looking back! The impact of the sessions on children that she conducted on weekends reinforced her faith in the power of stories. The seed for 'The Creative World' had been sown.

The Creative World was founded in 2012 by three like-minded women, with the vision of using storytelling to ignite curiosity in every child's mind, to make children independent thinkers, and good problem solvers, who are aware and conscious about their surroundings and imbibe values that help them through life!

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©2022 by The Creative World...where stories come alive.

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